

Is Making Friends as an Introverted Immigrant Harder Than Dating?

I used to think that moving from one country to another is what exacerbates the task of making friends as a busy adult. Now I realize it's my introversion, too.

Stop Asking Where I’m From

The answer won't reveal much anyway. There's a better question. No, it's not "What's your background?"

Don’t Underestimate Immigrants

As an immigrant, I'm so used to being underestimated.

How I Came Up With the Name Foreignish

The first names I could think of were embarrassing.

People Mispronounce My Foreign Name But It’s Partly My Fault

When people butcher my name, I don't correct them for fear of making them uncomfortable.

How I Made the Foreignish Logo

Designing a logo looks easy until you try doing it yourself.

The Hermetically Sealed Suburban Lifestyle

To an immigrant, the suburbs can be soul-crushing.

Cultivating the Courage to Tell My Immigration Stories

What will people think of me? I try not to care.

Foreign, Poor and in the Ivy League

When you simultaneously inhabit the worlds of poverty and privilege, you feel excluded and inadequate.

Are You a Global Citizen?

Being a citizen of the world isn't about traveling. It's about rejecting nationalism.

Rejecting The Single Immigrant Story

There's no such thing as The Immigrant Story. There are numerous immigrant stories.

Who Taught You to Love?

I’ve changed countries and languages, but my attachment style has remained the same.
Graffiti image of devil

Don’t Be the Voice of the Voiceless, Even If You’re a Minority

We, the voiceless, are already speaking for ourselves.

Becoming Canadian

Studying for the Canadian citizenship test exposed me to a misleading story about how Canada came to be.

The Shame of Forgetting My Mother Tongue

I've forgotten my mother tongue and I feel like a different person when I switch languages. I thought I was a freak. Then I discovered these things are common.