

A Precarious Visa Situation Makes You Vulnerable at Work

I tolerated bullying and accepted ridiculous pay at my first journalism job. I thought I had no choice because I was a foreigner who needed a visa sponsorship.

Checking My Passport Privilege

My EU passport gives me an enormous privilege—a privilege I didn't work for. The least I can do is acknowledge that privilege.

Dream Big, Unless You Have a Shitty Passport

When I lost a job because of my nationality, I understood you’re not entitled to global career dreams and wanderlust if you belong to the underclass of non-Western passport holders.

Shame and Self-Loathing in Brussels

My biggest humiliation happened a decade ago in Brussels.

Foreign, Poor and in the Ivy League

When you simultaneously inhabit the worlds of poverty and privilege, you feel excluded and inadequate.

Becoming Canadian

Studying for the Canadian citizenship test exposed me to a misleading story about how Canada came to be.
Nighttime shot of a convenience store on West 14th Street in New York City

Breaking Up With New York, Once and For All

And with journalism.